Functional Flow for Everyone:
Anatomy, Sequencing, & Contemporary Techniques for Transformational Classes
18th – 22nd October

A 5-Day Training & Practice Immersion + Ongoing Monthly Support

Course Content

Yoga – especially asana – has always evolved with the times to meet the needs of practitioners. As more generations of yogis continue to practice, we learn more about the body and mind–and what we need to live well, feel well, and function at our best. The truth is clear: we know so much more about anatomy, sequencing, and postural techniques than we have in the past that it’s time to put it all together in a new, functional approach to modern vinyasa yoga.


To put it simply, we need an approach to practicing and teaching flow yoga that is rooted in functionality and embraces:

  • Updating conventional postures to include modern techniques and cues based in functional anatomy and individual needs.
  • Emphasizing a greater balance of strength, stability, and strength in our flexibility, rather than simply focusing on going further in every pose.
  • Incorporating mobility and strengthening techniques that come from other movement traditions without losing Yoga’s soul–there are a lot of great techniques like 90/90 sit, countless plank variations, and CARs that can be easily incorporated into our practices (let’s not get left behind).
  • A more methodical, consistent approach to sequencing that balances strength, mobility, and flexibility throughout our entire body.


This training is designed to teach you the anatomy, sequencing, and postural techniques that support this new approach. This training is built to make an immediate impact in your personal practice and in your classes. It’s actionable, practical, and organized.


This five-day intensive will run each day from 9.30am – 5pm.

Learning Outcomes

Each day is organized into 5 parts and includes lecture, pose breakdowns, and vinyasa practice:


Functional Anatomy: Learn the functional anatomy that informs our techniques for each region of the body. Instead of memorizing cues, we’ll discuss the demands and functions of each region and ensure that our techniques are up-to-date and informed by science. This portion of class will be lecture and discussion.


Sequencing Integration: Learn how to modify your current sequencing to make your classes more functional, balanced, and comprehensive–and, how to incorporate modern strength and mobility techniques from other movement traditions (let’s not get left behind). This portion of class will be lecture and discussion.


The Old School: We’ll break down the most essential, old-school poses–from Warrior 1 to Upward Bow–and modernize how we practice and teach these postures. This portion of class will be practice-based, so you’ll get on the mat, get in your body and improve your old-school postures.


The New School: We’ll break down and incorporate the best modern strengthening and mobility work that we can be done on the yoga mat. Yoga and movement techniques continue to evolve and we can make sure we’re utilizing every tool to help our body and mind be well–even if they come from outside the yoga tradition. This portion of class will be practice-based, so you’ll get on your mat, get in your body and learn the best new-school postures.


Functional Flow: Each day will include a complete, comprehensive Functional Flow practice. These sequences will incorporate all the postures and techniques we’re focusing on each day, leaving you feeling grounded and content. You’ll also receive a digital copy of each of our daily Functional Flow sequence so that you can continue to practice them and teach them to your students.


Ongoing Support, Community & Connection: In order to provide you with greater community and ongoing connection, you will gain access to Jason’s online platform where you will receive 3 months of Functional Flow sequences to practice and teach your students–as well as work directly with Jason and your peers in this course.


Day 1: The Essence of Functional Flow – How Functional Anatomy Can Guide Our Sequencing And Techniques Without Losing Yoga’s Soul
Core concepts, techniques and practices that reflect modern technique and postural wellbeing.


Day 2: Strong + Mobile Hips and Legs, Part 1
Anatomy, Sequencing, and Technique that helps the hips function better on and off the mat.


Day 3 Strong + Mobile Hips and Legs, Part 2
Anatomy, Sequencing, and Technique that helps the hips function better on and off the mat.


Day 4 Strong + Mobile Spine and Core
Anatomy, Sequencing, and Technique that helps the spine and core function on and off the mat.


Day 5 Strong + Mobile Shoulders and Arms
Anatomy, Sequencing, and Technique that helps the shoulders and arms on and off the mat.


This immersion is open to everyone.

Your Teacher

Jason Crandell
Jason has been teaching yoga for more than 20 years, teaching everywhere from local studios around the  globe to providing trainings at the world’s most prestigious yoga conferences and events.


More importantly for this particular training, Jason has been a pioneer in online teaching and training for nearly a decade and he has learned to incorporate best practices for online learning from online educational specialists.


Jason has not rushed from behind to get his trainings online like so many others — he’s been honing this process for years.


Over the decades, he has continued to refine and improve the way he trains, guides, and supports teachers in his advanced trainings.He prioritises critical thinking skills, the integration of modern sports science with ancient understanding in asana technique, and creating a lasting community of peers.


In addition to teaching layers and layers of sequencing, Jason focuses on helping teachers develop compelling and comprehensive curriculums for their students. His Bachelor’s in Philosophy and years of studying yoga philosophy helps him communicate the essence of the yoga tradition in a clear, honest, and accessible way.


Most importantly, he has worked to ensure that his students are seen, supported, and educated in a comprehensive way — helping them develop a career as a teacher and make a positive impact on their students.